Play Pokemon CrystalDust Beta 3 (U) Download Rom Games Online - Play Pokemon CrystalDust Beta 3 (U) Download Rom Video Game Roms - Retro Game Room If you want to get the latest news on the development of CrystalDust, subscribe to the! Now deposit your starter and change the box number. CAN YOU GET CROBAT IN POKEMON CRYSTAL DUST DOWNLOAD These gameshark codes made life 100 times easier for me completing the game and defeating red in under 12 hours with 6 Level 100's. All these codes work on the VisualBoy Advance emulator as I have tested them: Best EXP battle Blissey - 91F204D2 Infinite Master Balls in 1st Ball Slot - 0101D8D8 0199D9D8 Extremely high LV battles - 019913D2 Infinite money - 010F4ED8 01424FD8 013F50D8 Huge HP boost at each level up - 01FFEADC 01FFEBDC Huge ATK boost at each level up - 01FFECDC 01FFEDDC Huge DEF boost at each level up - 01FFEEDC 01FFEFDC Huge SPD boost at each level up - 01FFF0DC 01FFF1DC Huge SPC boost at each level up - 01FFF2DC 01FFF3DC Clone Pokemon: 1. Place the Pokemon you want to clone in an empty box. Select 'change box' and change to an empty box. Just before it has finished saving turn the Gameboy off 8. When you turn the Gameboy back on you will have that Pokemon in your party and in the box. Stronger Pokemon: If you select to be a male trainer catch female Pokemon and if you are a female trainer catch males and they will love you faster and be stronger. Raising Pokemon from Levels 2 - 15 will make them stronger than if you catch them at Level 30 in the wild. Pokemon which you breed the egg will hatch at Level 5 which makes them easier to train. CAN YOU GET CROBAT IN POKEMON CRYSTAL DUST DOWNLOAD.